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For safety reasons, DO NOT install Red with a root user. If you are unsure how to createa new user on Linux, see this guide by DigitalOcean.

Installing the pre-requirements¶

Please install the pre-requirements using the commands listed for your operating system.

The pre-requirements are:

Manual Java download page for Linux. Get the latest version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Linux.

  • Python 3.8.1 or greater; Python 3.9 is currently not supported!

  • Pip 18.1 or greater

  • Git 2.11+

  • Java Runtime Environment 11 (for audio support)

  1. New in Java JRE 8 Build 212: IANA Data 2018g: JDK 8u212 contains IANA time zone data version 2018g. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.
  2. Sudo apt -y install python3.8 python3.8-dev python3.8-venv python3-pip git openjdk-11-jre-headless build-essential Continue by Creating a Virtual Environment. Ubuntu non-LTS versions ¶.
  3. We don't have any change log information yet for version 8-build-281 of Java Runtime Environment 32-bit. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

We also recommend installing some basic compiler tools, in case our dependencies don’t providepre-built “wheels” for your architecture.

Operating systems¶

Continue by Creating a Virtual Environment.

In order to install Git 2.11 or greater, we recommend adding the IUS repository:

Complete the rest of the installation by installing Python 3.8 with pyenv.

Complete the rest of the installation by installing Python 3.8 with pyenv.

We recommend installing pyenv as a method of installing non-native versions of python onDebian/Raspbian Buster. This guide will tell you how. First, run the following commands:

Complete the rest of the installation by installing Python 3.8 with pyenv.

Fedora Linux 31 and above has all required packages available in official repositories. Installthem with dnf:

Continue by Creating a Virtual Environment.

Install Brew: in Finder or Spotlight, search for and open Terminal. In the terminal, paste thefollowing, then press Enter:

After the installation, install the required packages by pasting the commands and pressing enter,one-by-one:

Continue by Creating a Virtual Environment.

We recommend installing a community package to get Python 3.8 on openSUSE Leap 15.1+. This package willbe installed to the /opt directory.

First, add the Opt-Python community repository:

Now install the pre-requirements with zypper:

Since Python is now installed to /opt/python, we should add it to PATH. You can add a file in/etc/profile.d/ to do this:

Now, install pip with easy_install:

Continue by Creating a Virtual Environment.

openSUSE Tumbleweed has all required dependencies available in official repositories. Install themwith zypper:

Continue by Creating a Virtual Environment.

We recommend adding the git-core ppa to install Git 2.11 or greater:

We recommend adding the deadsnakes ppa to install Python 3.8.1 or greater:

Now install the pre-requirements with apt:

Continue by Creating a Virtual Environment.

We recommend adding the git-core ppa to install Git 2.11 or greater:

Now install the pre-requirements with apt:

Continue by Creating a Virtual Environment.

We recommend adding the git-core ppa to install Git 2.11 or greater:

Now, to install non-native version of python on non-LTS versions of Ubuntu, we recommendinstalling pyenv. To do this, first run the following commands:

And then complete the rest of the installation by installing Python 3.8 with pyenv.

Installing Python with pyenv¶


If you followed one of the sections above, and weren’t linked here afterwards, you should skipthis section.

On distributions where Python 3.8 needs to be compiled from source, we recommend the use of pyenv.This simplifies the compilation process and has the added bonus of simplifying setting up Red in avirtual environment.

After this command, you may see a warning about ‘pyenv’ not being in the load path. Follow theinstructions given to fix that, then close and reopen your shell.

Then run the following command:

This may take a long time to complete, depending on your hardware. For some machines (such asRaspberry Pis and micro-tier VPSes), it may take over an hour; in this case, you may wish to removethe CONFIGURE_OPTS=--enable-optimizations part from the front of the command, which willdrastically reduce the install time. However, be aware that this will make Python run about 10%slower.

After that is finished, run:

Pyenv is now installed and your system should be configured to run Python 3.8.

Continue by Creating a Virtual Environment.

Creating a Virtual Environment¶


If you want to learn more about virtual environments, see page: About Virtual Environments

We require installing Red into a virtual environment. Don’t be scared, it’s verystraightforward.

You have 2 options:

  • Using venv (quick and easy, involves just two commands)

  • Using pyenv virtualenv (only available and recommended when you installed Python with pyenv)

Using venv

This is the quickest way to get your virtual environment up and running, as venv is shipped withpython.

First, choose a directory where you would like to create your virtual environment. It’s a good ideato keep it in a location which is easy to type out the path to. From now, we’ll call itredenv and it will be located in your home directory.

Create your virtual environment with the following command:

And activate it with the following command:


You must activate the virtual environment with the above command every time you open a newshell to run, install or update Red.


Continue by Installing Red.

Using pyenvvirtualenv

Using pyenvvirtualenv saves you the headache of remembering where you installed your virtualenvironments. This option is only available if you installed Python with pyenv.

First, ensure your pyenv interpreter is set to python 3.8.1 or greater with the following command:

Now, create a virtual environment with the following command:

Replace <name> with whatever you like. If you ever forget what you named it,you can always use the command pyenvversions to list all virtual environments.

Now activate your virtualenv with the following command:


You must activate the virtual environment with the above command every time you open a newshell to run, install or update Red. You can check out other commands like pyenvlocal andpyenvglobal if you wish to keep the virtualenv activated all the time.

Continue by Installing Red.

Installing Red¶

Choose one of the following commands to install Red.

To install without additional config backend support:

Or, to install with PostgreSQL support:


These commands are also used for updating Red

Setting Up and Running Red¶

After installation, set up your instance with the following command:

This will set the location where data will be stored, as well as yourstorage backend and the name of the instance (which will be used forrunning the bot).

Once done setting up the instance, run the following command to run Red:

Jre 1.5 Mac Download Full

It will walk through the initial setup, asking for your token and a prefix.You can find out how to obtain a token withthis guide.


If it’s the first time you’re using Red, you should check our Getting started guidethat will walk you through all essential information on how to interact with Red.


Jre 1.5 Mac Os X Download

KoLmafia is a cross-platform desktop tool, written in Java (J2SE 1.5 compliant), which interfaces with the online adventure game, Kingdom of Loathing. Those who are looking to download the latest release: click here. More advanced users familiar with stand-alone Java applications are welcome to download an hourly build provided by the KoLmafia user script community: click here.

Is KoLmafia Safe?

To make things absolutely clear, open sourcing a program does not make it secure -- it strictly makes it easier to take advantage of work already done by other people, provided you are willing to act in accordance with the terms of the license under which the source code is provided. That said, I believe KoLmafia is safe. However, I'm the main developer of KoLmafia, and I only use a small fraction of its features, so my opinion of it should be taken with a grain of salt.

My personal belief is that running any program (including the web browser you are using to view this page) is about near-unconditional trust. If, for any reason, you don't trust the companies and individuals involved in the development of the program, I strongly suggest that you should never run the program, no matter what the promised benefits may be. I believe these same guidelines should be applied if you're thinking about using KoLmafia.

Jre 1.5 Download Mac

Getting Started

In order to use KoLmafia, you (usually) must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed for your system.


If you are running Windows 2000/XP, Linux, or Solaris, you can use the version of Java provided by Oracle, usually referred to as the Sun JRE or the Oracle JRE. The latest version of the JRE is available here: Java SE Downloads. Please be sure to install the JRE after downloading it!

Uniquely to Windows, you can try running KoLmafia without Java at all by using a solution that tries to convert KoLmafia to native code. In theory, this makes everything faster as the code is no longer interpreted and may perform better in terms of memory usage. The solution is provided by leveraging a commercial Java to native code compiler called Excelsior JET, which is generously made available by the vendor at no cost for non-commercial use. The badge below is a small show of thanks for their generosity.

Jre 1.5 Mac Download Free

If you are running Mac OS X 10.4.x or higher, you do not need to download or install a separate JRE. If you are running an older version of Mac OS, unfortunately, KoLmafia will likely not run on your system because Java versions higher than Java 1.5 are not maintained for those versions of the Macintosh operating system.

If you are using any operating system not listed here, you are welcome to try your favorite search engine for details. The applicable keywords are 'Java 1.5' or 'Java 5.0' (they are synonymous) and the name of your operating system, though you may have more luck searching for 'Java 1.6' (which is more generally known as Java 6).

Other helpful information related to getting started with KoLmafia is found (or will eventually be found) in the end-user manual and in the KoLmafia Guide on the KoLmafia user scripting wiki.

Mission and Scope

What problem does this project address?
Kingdom of Loathing is an online adventure game written in PHP. As players advance in level in this game, the tendency is for them to settle into routines where they repeat the same set of tasks over and over again, tasks which involve nothing more than senseless link-clicking. As these routines continue, players begin to grow bored and dissatisfied, causing them to depart from the game without having experienced the subtler details which make the game enjoyable.
What is the goal of this project?
The goal of this project is to create a cross-platform desktop tool, written in Java (J2SE 1.5 compliant), which interfaces with the online adventure game, Kingdom of Loathing. The project intends to provide all the user-friendliness of the KoLmelion graphical user interface while giving KoL CLI and other command-line users the scripting flexibility to which they have grown accustomed.
What is the scope of this project?
The project intends to eventually achieve all the goals listed above before the project closes.


  • Project Overview
  • Project Objectives
  • For End Users
  • For Developers
Copyright © 2003 Jason Robbins. All rights reserved. License terms. Retain this copyright statement whenever this file is used as a template.